راه اندازی تست Allergy Screen

راه اندازی تست Allergy Screen Allergy ScreenThe test is an immunoblot assay for the quantitative determination of circulating allergen-specific IgE in human serumبا توانایی تشخیص 30 ماده آلرژن Panel 30 Mix LY كنه خانگي Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus سگ Dog كنه خانگي Dermatophagoides farinae شتر Camel اوكاليپتوس Eucalyptus لاتکس Latex سوسک حمام Cockroach شیر Milk مخلوط چمن Grass Mix سفیده تخم مرغ Egg white درخت سرو Cypress ...

Procalcitonin, Serum

Procalcitonin, Serum Useful ForDiagnosis of bacteremia and septicemia in adults and children (including neonates) Diagnosis of renal involvement in urinary tract infection in children Diagnosis of bacterial infection in neutropenic patients Diagnosis, risk stratification, and monitoring of septic shock Diagnosis of systemic secondary infection post-surgery, and in severe trauma, burns, and multiorgan failure Diffe ...

Antimullerian Hormone (AMH), Serum

Antimullerian Hormone (AMH), Serum Useful ForAssessment of menopausal status, including premature ovarian failure Assessing ovarian status, including follicle development, ovarian reserve, and ovarian responsiveness, as part of an evaluation for infertility and assisted reproduction protocols such as in vitro fertilization Assessing ovarian function in patients with polycystic ovarian syndromeEvaluation of infants with ambiguou ...

تستهای جدید:

تستهای جدید: CalprotectinInterpretationCalprotectin is a neutrophilic marker specific for inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is elevated with infection, post-infectious IBS, and NSAID enteropathy. Fecal calprotectin can be used to differentiate IBD vs. IBS, to monitor treatment in IBD, and to determine which patients should be referred for endoscopy and/or colonscopy. Levels between 50-120 shou ...

تستهای جدید آزمایشگاه رازی

تستهای جدید آزمایشگاه رازی پزشکان محترماحتراما باطلاع ميرساند که تستها و روشهای نوين زير از هم اکنون در آزمايشگاه پاتوبيولوژی رازی بابل ارائه شده و قابل انجام ميباشند :1- Anti Mullerian Hormone 2-Procalcitonine3-Calcitonin4-EPO5-Adrenalin,Noradrenalin,Free Metanephrine/Normetanephrine Urine6- Adrenalin,Noradrenalin,Free Metanephrine/Normetanephrine Plasmaشما ميتوانيدجهت کسب اطلاعات بيشتر با تلفن های 0111-2196820 ارتباط ...
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